6 Best Social Media Experts to Follow

Are you a social media manager or business owner? Then you probably have your social media routine in place. You share content, run ads, and get engagement from your followers.

social media

However, routine can be dangerous. One of the main characteristics of marketing is that new possibilities pop up continuously, and trends among the target market are in constant development too. It is, therefore, essential to keep looking for new strategies, new types of content, and new methods to reach and engage your audience.

And what better way to do this than by following the work of some of the best social media experts?


In this blog, we look at six incredible social media experts. These six heroes will definitely give you many ideas to shake up your social media strategy and keep improving.

1. Sean Gardner

“Social media is not just an activity; it is an investment of valuable time ... to WOW your online presence” - Sean Gardner.

Sean Gardner is a real social media magician. He is the best-selling author of ‘The Road to Social Media Success’ and has worked for some of the largest brands in the world. Think of Apple Inc., Microsoft, and Huawei.

Social media experts Sean Gardener

Source: https://www.doz.com/marketing-resources/sean-gardner-profile

Besides working as a social media consultant, he spends a lot of time teaching and inspiring others by giving social media talks all over the world. And we love that about him!

If you are looking for a social media expert with many years of experience and a great willingness to share his knowledge, Sean is definitely worth a follow.

2. Neal Schaffer

Another absolute social media guru who loves sharing his knowledge is Neal Schaffer. Neal spends most of his time teaching. He has been lecturing digital media to executives at the Irish Management Institute, University of Jyvaskyla, and Rutgers University.

Besides all this teaching, Neal still finds time to write books. He successfully wrote four books already. Some focused on LinkedIn marketing (great for B2B businesses) and a very recent one on influencer marketing.


For those interested in the impact of influencer marketing in the modern world, his latest book might be worth a read. The book will be released on the 20th of March 2020, but can already be pre-ordered on Amazon.

3. Amy Porterfield

Amy Porterfield doesn’t only know everything about social media; she is an experienced and inspirational entrepreneur too. One with a story that she happily shares with others. And this is great for those who are on the road of entrepreneurship too.

Social media experts Amy Porterfield

Source: https://www.amyporterfield.com/2018/11/239/

Amy is an absolute social media star. In 2011, she wrote the famous Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies. And while working as a coach and trainer for other entrepreneurs, she writes incredible articles and blogs. You can find many of them on one of our favorite websites, Social Media Examiner.

4. Guy Kawasaki

We’ve mentioned Guy Kawasaki before, in our list of social media marketing books to read.

Guy is one of the most experienced marketing experts we know. In 1948, for instance, he was partly responsible for the marketing of Apple’s Macintosh computer. Some other big brands Guy has worked for are Google and Canva. Can you imagine how much you learn, working for brands like these for so many years?


Source: https://guykawasaki.com

To share his knowledge and experience, Guy wrote several great books. And as we mentioned in our previous blog, The Art of Social Media is an absolute must-read. Co-authored with another big inspiration, Peg FitzPatrick.

5. Sunny Lenarduzzi

Instead of focusing on social media in general, Sunny specifies on one particular channel: YouTube. And this makes her extra knowledgeable in her field.


She is a broadcaster, entrepreneur, but mostly teacher. Over the past years, Sunny developed a few impressive webinars and courses, while building her own 300K YouTube channel. And on top of that, she runs a very popular podcast.

If you are in need of some YouTube inspiration, Sunny will definitely help you out!

6. Pat Flynn

Last but not least, we have to mention Pat Flynn.

pat flym

Although he is most well-known for his work on 'passive income,' he has an impressive knowledge of social media too. On his podcast, he hosts interesting episodes on this topic, where he discusses the latest trends in social media marketing with his guests.

For some great inspiration about podcasting, marketing, and social media, Pat Flynn is the right person to follow.

Need help?

Do you need help getting your social media marketing off the ground? We would love to help you out. Contact us for a FREE strategy call so we can discuss your plans and goals.

Would you like to learn more about social media marketing yourself? Then our Social Media Gids Community might be the right place for you. Here we share many interesting resources and collaborate with an inspirational group of experts and entrepreneurs. Our FREE e-books and our Social Marketing class, for instance, are very popular among our community members.

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  • Blogger: Francisca Zimmermann
  • E-mail: mf.zimmermann1@gmail.com
  • Social media manager & content creator at Social Media Gids
  • Francisca Zimmermann is a social media expert with a background in research and a love for learning new things. She travels the world looking for beautiful places and interesting cultures, while she dives into the world of her clients to be able to write about them and their interests as a real 'insider'.
  • Other blog articles of Francisca Zimmermann